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The design research planning team belonging to Honest's R&D center works together from the product research and planning stage. We work together with the formulation development team, material development team, and quality management team to plan a complete product through close communication. We believe that a good product requires a perfect connection from formula development and its look, to understanding the needs of consumers. The products created through collaboration with all staff of Honest are the fruit of not only the perfection but also the effort to approach consumers.

We are not only based on common sense and logic about design but actively participate in the stage of product research. We strive to create the best result through various experiences and opportunities for ommunication. Our design team always leaps toward continuous growth and greater satisfaction by pursuing more.

The way to customers
  • Branding

    We express the message that the brand wants to convey with images and the brand value. We strive to communicate directly with customers from brand proposal to planning.

  • Packaging

    We design the exterior design of all Honest products, from cosmetics to medical devices. We do not stop at simple packaging and propose a design fits the spirit of the concept.

  • Artwork

    From artwork such as illustrations to promotional materials, we maintain consistency and diversity by participating in all areas in Honest that require design work.

  • UX/UI

    We study application design that can be used most efficiently from the user and developer's point of view and design to be familiar but special. Meet the design with Honest's vision!

  • Web Design

    We design various product landing pages that appeal to customers from our brand and shopping mall websites and even proceed directly to the composition of web pages.

  • Marketing

    We analyze customors' behavior and psychology before reaching them, communicate directly with customers, and deliver honest results through persistent market research.

  • Branding

    We express the message that the brand wants to convey with an image and actualize the brand value. Through close communication with customers, we ultimately propose the brand that the customer wants, and communicate with customers by planning a variety of brands, including the branding of our brand that can reach customers directly.

  • Packaging

    We design packages that make the appearance of all products produced by Honest, such as cosmetics, sanitary-aids, household goods, medical devices, and household chemicals. We do not stop at simple packaging designs, but designs that fit the concept and value of the brand.

  • Artwork

    From artwork such as illustrations to promotional materials, we maintain consistency and diversity by participating in all areas in Honest that require design work.

  • UX/UI

    We study application design that can be used most efficiently from the user and developer's point of view and design to be familiar but special.

  • Web Design

    We design various product landing pages that appeal to customers from our brand and shopping mall websites and even proceed directly to the composition of web pages.

  • Marketing

    We analyze the mind and behavior of consumers, and directly communicate with consumers to produce better results.

Brand lab

The best brands are organically marketed in product
design, and active communication between brands
and consumers is achieved, which enables active
business as brand power.

  • 13


  • 50+


  • 10


Strong teamwith expertise

The design research and planning team, which
is composed of members from various
backgrounds, such as entrepreneurs,
advertising planners, content marketers,
performance marketers, editors, copywriters,
designers, and developers, has a trendy sense
and strong skills and boasts strong and
dynamic teamwork.

Who we are

Those who have extensive design experience and expertise
and experience in each field, such as branding, content
marketing, performance marketing, and comprehensive
advertising agency with agencies, show the best synergy
based on quick execution and organic collaboration.
We are in charge of communication from product planning to
marketing product to customers.

Best Design,Best result

The design research and planning team, which
is composed of members from various
backgrounds, such as entrepreneurs,
advertising planners, content marketers,
performance marketers, editors, copywriters,
designers, and developers, has a trendy sense
and strong skills and boasts strong and
dynamic teamwork.

Flexibleworking culture

We share opinions and accept feedback according to the
situation, not only in our projects. There is a flexible working
culture that allows you to immediately express and accept
opinions with your color and characters.

Thanks to this, the door to design various contents are
always open. We strive to create the best working cultures
in a horizontal system rather than a vertical culture.